Skip-A-Loan Payment

Take a month off every year
WPCCU's Skip-A-Pay allows you to skip a loan payment on any eligible loan once every 12 months. It’s fast, easy and convenient. Just give us a call at 800-300-9728 or visit any branch.
The fine print print made larger and easier to read for something you should know:
You must be 18 years old or older to participate.
A $25 fee will be charged for each loan payment skip. Participating in the Skip-A-Pay program will increase the term of your loan. You may only skip one payment per 12-month period on each eligible loan.
Certain loans are not eligible for Skip-A-Pay, like any real estate secured loan, all Mastercard accounts, the CashAccount Line of Credit and PowerAdvance loans.
Your loan must be open for at least six months and you must have made at least six payments on the loan to be eligible to skip a payment.
All credit union accounts and loans must be current and in good standing. No charged-off or delinquent loans allowed. No negative balances allowed.
If you have Credit Life or Credit Disability insurance on your loan, it will not be extended past the original maturity date of your loan.
Eligible loans with GAP insurance may be permitted to a maximum of two (2) skips over the life of the loan.
If you have any automatic loan payments it's your responsibility to make any necessary changes. Automatic loan payments will continue unless you notify us to change those payments.